Here we are at 13 weeks. My how time flies! I'm feeling great. Very hungry all the time, but nothing too bad. I've made it a mission to concentrate on drinking more water. I was terrible with that my first trimester. You can see I'm wearing my Motherhood shirt. I'll continue to wear this shirt in my weekly pics as I continue to grow.
According to BabyCenter.com, here's how Baby O'Rourke is growing:
Fingerprints have formed on your baby's tiny fingertips, her veins and organs are clearly visible through her still-thin skin, and her body is starting to catch up with her head — which makes up just a third of her body size now. If you're having a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries. Your baby is almost 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce.
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