Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I can't stop watching this:

Also, I want to purchase this:

Madness, I tell you!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Destiny vs. Tree. . .

. . . tree wins.

So, today I got hit by a falling tree branch. Pretty wild.

My co-worker and I were leaving the office and as we walked down the stairs, we heard a loud cracking sound. Neither of us looked up, half-knowing it was the tree, and fearing our faces might get the raw end of the deal. I made a decision to speed up in the direction we were currently walking. That's when a good sized branch came crashing down to the front of me. I turned to run in the opposite direction, but before I could take a step, another branch landed on the right side of my body. It got my right shoulder and my right leg. I caught myself in a plank position, so my shoulders are a bit sore, but I didn't hit my head, and only got a few cuts on my arm and hand. The first thing I thought was that I didn't feel injured, and that I had better get up and out of the way. I found out fast that I couldn't really move my right leg. I would write the second and third things that I thought, but they are pretty shallow. I'll share if you're really that interested.

The next few things happened pretty quickly. Several co-workers came to check on me. Two carried me inside (out of the pouring rain), while one called the ambulance and the other two provided all kinds of moral support. I tried to tell them that I'd be fine. . .of course, that was the adrenaline talking.

After my first ever ambulance ride, I ended up in the emergency room and got a few x-rays. Nothing is fractured or broken, only it's all really sore. I left with some meds and some crutches. I'm not allowed to go to work tomorrow, and probably the next day too. Patrick was an all-star for me.

Speaking of all-stars, I'd like to thank Greg and "Baseball Zach" for carrying me into the office, Jeremy for calling the law, Amy M. for going to my house to tell my husband, Ginny for riding in the ambulance with me, William and Donald for coming to the hospital and checking up on me, and so many other co-workers, family, and friends for calling to check in on me. I'm doing as well as anyone who got hit by a tree can be.

I'll keep you all posted.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Blog title

The title of my blog came from an online slogan generator. I simply typed in my name and hit the "sloganize" (or whatever) button, and VOILA! Say it with Destiny! was born. For those of you who know me at all, you know that I tend to be pretty excitable, and so this slogan is perfect. I mean, you could say, "Say it with pizzazz" or "Say it with enthusiasm". However, none of those quite equal the Destiny-ness of what it means to get across.

Also, we got a grill today! Another sure sign of summer!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


The official start of summer has arrived as far as I'm concerned. As Patrick and I took Lee on a walk, I saw lightning bugs in the backyard! I still get really excited about lightning bugs even as an adult. Seeing the lightning bugs made me think of other things that, to me, mean it's summertime. Here they are (in no particular order)

Graduation ceremonies
Sno Cones/ice cream truck music
The song "Summertime" by Will Smith
The smell of bug spray
Bowling Green humidity
People talking about going to the lake
Flip flops and tank tops

I'm sure there are tons of other things, which I'll probably throw into future posts here and there.

What reminds you of summertime?

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Thanks Mom. Now I get it.

This morning as I walked to my car on the way to the gym, it dawned on me that my mom lied to me. It was out of necessity, I'm sure. I admit that I was perhaps a bit melodramatic as a child, especially about spiderwebs. Spiders bothered me too, but mostly their webs. As a child, my mom told me that if I walked into a spiderweb without having actually seen it first, then it was good luck.

I bought it.

Even as an adult woman, I have believed with all of my being that it is truly good luck if I walk into a spiderweb. I've always thought it kind of sucked to be in that situation, but it was easier to swallow knowing that something good was around the corner. That conclusion made me seek good things, and good things always came. Honestly, having that positive thought planted in me by my mother partly contributed to me sort of becoming a positive person. I mostly look for the good that can come from a bad situation.

As I got into the car (wiping away a spiderweb), I just smiled and realized how profound of an impact my mother's words had on me. I mean, it took me at least 20 years to figure out the truth. Walking into a spiderweb doesn't mean that something good is coming. I don't know what it means, but I kind of want to listen to that song by No Doubt called "Spiderwebs" again. Perhaps I'll hear what was really intended from them. When the song came out, I thought "Gwen is out stocking up on all kinds of good luck"

My poor husband still has to deal with me screaming like a little girl when it comes to spiders and their webs, and I appreciate him for that more than he might ever realize. Hopefully, though, something good might be just around the corner.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

White Mom v. Black Mom

This is what "Biracial Tiffany" (as she calls herself) had to say in this particular video:

Wow. . . I would never have thought about how her experience would have been different if she had a white mom instead of a black mom. I have lots of thoughts about this particular post. Here are some of those thoughts:

I know that I will pass down my own experiences to my children. Likewise, my husband will pass down his experiences. Will my daughter identify more with my experiences because we are both female? Will my son identify more with Patrick's experiences because they are both male? How will my children relate to one another? If one self-identifies as more black, will that affect the way he/she treats the other or receives treatment from the other? What if they both identify as black? Will their father feel a bit left out? What if they both identify as white? Will I feel left out? How will that affect our home life? Our marriage? Our parenting styles?

Hmmmm. . .

Monday, May 24, 2010

What does all this mean?

Over the weekend, I discovered Tiffany Jones. She has a Vlog on YouTube called the Mulatto Diaries, and she simply has open and honest discussion about the biracial experience. I find that I'm drawn to her for many reasons, but mostly because I am a future parent of biracial children.

Through her comments, Tiffany has opened my eyes to a whole world of ideas that were foreign to me. She talks about everything from what it has been like for her to have a black mom and a white dad to, how she self-identifies, to experiences that have shaped her biracial existence, to how she deals with her hair. She's open and honest, and seems to be going through a period of discovery during which she is also teaching (me, anyway) what biracial children kind of go through. Of course, not every biracial child has her exact experience, but anyway, it's been helpful to me.

What stands out a lot to me is that she grew up learning that she was to identify as a black woman. That was taught to her, and that's how she initially saw herself. As she grew up, she noticed that she wasn't exactly welcomed into the black community with open arms. . .not that all black people treated her in some weird, awful way, but that it just wasn't what she expected after having been taught that that's where she belonged. She also, of course, realized that she wasn't exactly white, either, and had the same experience in the white community. It's not that her white family didn't love her, or that her black family didn't love her. I mean, she grew up in a very loving environment from both sides of her family. She realized that because of her white dad loving her black mom, that it was true that love could cross color boundaries. Outside of the safety of her loving family, however, she had some very challenging experiences to learn from. It's just that she struggled with placing herself in a compartment (like society often teaches us to do - especially during our awkward middle school years).

I think she is still working on some conclusions, but what I've learned is that she is exactly as much black as she is white and that she is exactly as much white as she is black. I know this may not sound as profound to some as it did to me, but I'm guilty, folks. Like society has taught me, I have bought into the one drop rule. I see my future biracial children as black. . .at least, more black than white. I mean, when I think about my future little girl, I think about how I'm going to do my her hair like I do mine. Well, her hair won't be like mine. It won't be like her father's either. It will be her very own. She won't be black, and she won't be white. She will be equally both. I can substitute anything for hair in the above situation, but the point is that this is quite a paradigm shift in the way I think, and how I will need to parent.

I don't know. . .I mean, Tiffany covers so much. She has regular insecurities that lots of women have, but there is an extra twist. I guess, this is all conversation that I want to engage in with other people. Not just biracial people, but everyone. There is a lot of research about mulattos in America and miscegenation. I mean, miscegenation all in itself is crazy to me. I mean, my marriage was absolutely illegal until June 12, 1967. (Loving Day - Yes, we will celebrate.)

I'm sort of rambling, but the bottom line is that I'm truly intrigued by the biracial experience now. Just the idea that biracial people want (and should be able to) self-identify as such is a bit mind-blowing for me. And not all biracial people feel this way, so I shouldn't make sweeping generalizations, but still. . . They shouldn't have to push out one parent or race or complete historical context from their lives. They shouldn't just ignore or be taught (by society or elsewhere) that one parent - in most cases, their white parent - just doesn't matter to their genetic makeup. I don't know. I'm just very interested in the research and the discussion. I want it to help inform the way I/we will parent, and I want to positively contribute to the idea that biracial is not black or white. It's absolutely and unequivocally both. Biracial is its own race, kind of. . .maybe?

Now, to understand (?) what that means. . .

Anyway, check out Mulatto Diaries on YouTube, and tell me what you think.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Super Cute

That's my sweet pea, Lee!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Straight Off the Chain

Last weekend, my coworker and I went to Atlanta for work. On the way down, we were able to stop by a super cute boutique that had lots of unique gift ideas. One item sent me into absolute hysterics and I immediately made the purchase. It was a deck of Slang Flash Cards boasting to help people "Get hip in mere days". As if that weren't enticing enough, the front cover of the deck showed a lovely couple formally dressed at a fine restaurant as the waiter stood anticipating their order and making sure they knew that "The filet is straight off the chain tonight."


Ok, the back of the deck asks "Are you over the hill? Dorky, unpopular, or simply into math? It's time to jock some fresh!" Each card has a pronunciation guide, tells you the part of speech to which the word or phrase belongs, a definition, and synonyms. Also included is an illustration to "help with context" and an educational sample sentence. Three words: Solid Office GOLD! My co-workers have been working hard to "up their steez". They have even come to me with sentences they've created all by themselves. Folks, when I hear them talk about how the word triflin' is an adjective and not a verb, or that they prefer the term "onion" to "badonkadonk" I can't help but roll on the floor in laughter! I have a feeling that it will now be hella fresh to death to roll deep with my new hyphy crew, for reals son! I mean, every other triflin' office will be straight jockin' us while we make it do, boo.

Aiight, I'm dunzo. Holla!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Best Day

Today was a really great day. So great, in fact, that I am inspired to blog about it. This morning, Patrick and I went on a run. We've been running together for about 5 weeks, and I love it. It makes me feel like I'm helping to keep his heart healthy, which is a big deal in his family. Then, I worked my tail off at the gym. I WILL FIT INTO MY BIKINI THIS SUMMER! The office was great today. I got flowers from a student and her mother because I helped her prepare for her Spirit Master interview. How thoughtful! It felt a little strange to be honest. It has been a very long time since I've received flowers. The delivery guy walked in and asked for me, and my heart sank. Really, it felt the same as when my name was called for Homecoming Queen at WKU (Fall, 2004 -- but who is holding on to her glory days?)

I had a chance to spend some time with the student I mentor at a local elementary. My student is fabulous, and I'm so lucky to get a peek into her life. She makes my week extraordinary! Then, I had lunch with a great friend who shared with me a community project that she is working with. I'm so proud of my generation that I could squeal!

Upon returning to the office, my sister and her girls were waiting for me! I got to show off my nieces to the entire office. My oldest niece is all about drawing Mickey Mouse. She's 2, so right now he just looks like a bunch of squiggly marks, but her enthusiasm is contagious. Just the fact that my youngest niece is home from the NICU and thriving is phenomenal in itself. How blessed we are!

To top it off, I had a student drop by who I used to teach clarinet lessons to. I've worked with him since he was in the 8th grade, and he's coming to the Hill this fall. First off, I can't believe time is moving so quickly! Secondly, he's coming to the Hill!! GO TOPS! He stopped by to thank me for serving as a reference for him, and to share that he'd been awarded the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Millennium Scholarship! There isn't a more deserving student and family! His entire college education will be paid for. It was tough not to start crying on the spot. I hugged him (probably more than necessary), and told him how proud I am of him.

My goodness, I feel like a princess!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Who Knew

Apparently, some credit cards have aluminum properties. I found this out when I tried to microwave my card out of a block of ice. Usually, I don't use the card, but Patrick and I will be visiting Idaho in the fall for our sister's wedding. Because one of the flights is at a good price tonight, I whipped it out (yeah, I said it), and booked us a trip. I've only booked the trip to Idaho, and not yet the flight from Idaho. I keep hoping that I'll find a better price for our return trip. Ahhh, if only I had a friend who could just fly us at little or no cost.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I'm back!

It's been a while, but I'm back. Well, I'm really only back to tell you that I'm back. I'll have an actual post later that will give a nice recap of what's been going on since I've been gone. Mainly, I've been reading New Moon. I just started Eclipse last night, so I might be going underground again. We also hosted a St. Patrick's Day party, went to see John Mayer in concert, did some super fun babysitting, and got the news that our very special little doggie is 100% heart worm free! Details to come!

Monday, March 8, 2010


My husband. Yes, my husband makes me happy.

And the winner is. . .

Me!! I'm the winner. Well, I'm a winner tonight. After surfing through some of my favorite blogs, I learned that I was chosen by Sarah to receive a Blog award! Hooray!

Now, Sarah was supposed to award this to 10 bloggers. However, she admitted that she doesn't know 10 bloggers. So, I kind of win by default, but who swims around in the details?!? Many thanks to Sarah!

Ok, the award requires me to share 10 things that make me happy, and to award 10 other bloggers. In no particular order, the following makes me happy:

1. Our doggie, Lee
2. Food and wine pairing
3. Justin Beiber (don't judge me)
4. Happy endings
5. My iPhone
6. Sleeping
8. Shopping
9. Summertime
10. Spontaneity

Ok, so I'm going to pull a Sarah here, because I also don't know 10 bloggers. The award, therefore, goes to these fab folks:

2. Sarah at BoLOGna
3. Rachel at HomeGirl
4-10. I don't have a 4-10.

So there you have it. And to think, I was going to blog about the vegetables that I made for dinner. This was waaaaaaaaay more fun :)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I Hate Folding Socks

Not an understatement, folks. There is a physical pain that precedes this awful task. I have to give myself at least two days worth of pep talks, and mosey through other chores before finally making it happen. Today was the day I got it done.

Really, once I got going and found a system, it wasn't so bad. I mean, mostly I started with all the white socks and separated those that were crew length from ankle length, and again by those with wide grooves from those with thin grooves, which really sped up the matching process. Then I moved on to dress socks and continued in the same fashion. By the time it was mostly over, I had combed through all the socks without real mates, or that had holes in them and put them in Patrick's pile completely disposed of them.

However, I still hate folding socks.

Today, I'm a Blogger

. . .but tomorrow it could all change! I've recently been inspired by friends to start blogging. So here it is folks. My first entry.

Last night I went to Nashville to celebrate Best Friend Angela's birthday. We spent time at a karaoke bar, then went to a dance club. The best part of all was people watching. We got to enjoy people such as this guy:

I must say, it was refreshing to see a little old man who understood the importance of wearing a nice pair of pressed white gloves to the club. Not only could he shake a tail feather, but he also had a smaller chance of collecting and spreading germs than the rest of us. Smart cookie!

We had a great time, and I was glad to spend it with some of my favorite people! I did, however, realize that maybe I'm not cut out to stay up until 4 am anymore. Only for Best Friend Angela! Enjoy the other pictures.

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